Dear Parents,

Very special greetings! This month we celebrate Veterans’ Day on November 11th.  We express, in the name of the Lord, with the voices of millions of our fellow citizens,  how very much we love our country, and we are grateful to God  for our beautiful America.  We are thankful to God for our Catholic Church, our immense gratitude and thanksgiving to God for our country, for our beloved United States of America.

There are some things that we might like to change, and sometimes there seems to be a drift in our country away from the Lord; that some people are becoming increasingly secular and worldly.  But that is the more cause, for us who name the name of Christ…who believe in the Almighty, for us to gather in prayer and in supplication and in praise.  With the questionable actions of some, to us there is no land that ever was, there is no nation ever called into existence that compares to the glory of America.

I once read an article about a gentleman who lived in an Italian mansion on Lake Como, in Italy.  Missing America, one day he left abruptly and said, “I had rather hang on a light post and live in America than dwell in a palace in a foreign country.”  Perhaps he exaggerated a little, but I tell you truly, in times of my many arrivals back to the United States…I can relate to some of the refugees who have escaped camps, and then coming back to America…bow down and kiss the soil of our splendid country.

We love our country and we are so grateful to God for our beautiful United States.  We are thankful to God, for our Church, and for the Bible, the Word of God, that He has placed in our hands; the right to assemble without the secret service watching everything we do, listening to everything we say, writing our names down as to whom attended assemblies; and the freedom to come with a Bible in our hands.  Instead of living furtively, and clandestinely, and secretly, oh, how glorious the liberty to gather openly with our families and our fellow Catholic Christians and to name the name of Christ our Lord in Praise and Gratitude; what an infinite blessing, and how dear to us who come down to our sacred place on Sunday by Sunday… share in the singing, in the praying and in the exposition of God’s Word.

Oh, how very Blessed we all are!  Happy Veterans Day to all of our Veterans and to those who have (and still do) support our Veterans.

With Much Admiration,

Dr. Nina Beck, Principal