During this joyous season of giving, we ask you to remember our students, teachers and staff in your prayers … and to consider making a tax-deductible year-end gift to St. John the Baptist General Fund.

Your contribution to the General Fund would be very much appreciated! Whether big or small, your gift will support the school’s operational needs and help bridge the gap between tuition and the actual cost of educating a student. The General Fund is critical to furthering our school’s mission, helping attract and retain the very best teachers, enriching the lives of our students, and sustaining the operation and maintenance of our school building. More importantly, your gift spreads joy to our students, teachers and staff!

When you make a year-end gift to St. John the Baptist, you have the opportunity to honor a loved one, recognize someone special or commemorate a milestone, with a gift in their name. Simply type the name(s) of the recipient(s) and we will honor the individual(s) on a tribute page located on the school website. To donate, simply click on the link below.