Invest in the Future!
While the commitment of our parish and school families is unwavering, there still remains a financial gap between what we collect in tuition and the actual cost to educate a student. This gap is approximately $6,000 per student. While our parish subsidizes the school, and fundraising efforts and endowments provide financial assistance, those funds, combined with tuition payments, do not cover the true cost of Catholic education. It is in times like these that we turn to our parish-school community and ask for your support.
You have the opportunity to sponsor a classroom and help us bridge this financial gap, while also supporting the needs of our students. Sponsoring a classroom is an investment in the future of our parish and the greater Plattsmouth community.
As a classroom sponsor, you will get to know the students in the class your sponsorship supports. Students will connect with you throughout the year via letters, pictures and updates from the teacher. We hope that you will also respond with letters and notes of encouragement.
We are grateful for your continued support of St. John the Baptist School … and we hope you will prayerfully consider becoming a classroom sponsor.
Two sponsorship levels are available:
$6,000 Sponsorship – Funds the entire financial gap for one student in a classroom. You can choose which grade/classroom you would like your donation to support.
Benefits include:
- Correspondence from students in the class you have sponsored.
- Visit the classroom you sponsored and meet the teacher students.
- Invitation to the Christmas, Spring Music Concert and other classroom special events.
$3,000 Sponsorship – Partially funds the financial gap for one student in a classroom. You can choose which grade/classroom you would like your donation to support.
Benefits include:
- Correspondence from students in the class you have sponsored.
- Invitation to the Christmas, Spring Music Concert and other classroom special events.
Gifts of any amount are also accepted.
Sponsorship Instructions
Download a donation form here.
- Download and print the online form and return it, along with your payment, to Deb Walton, St. John the Baptist Marketing & Development Director. Or, leave your sponsorship form and payment in the Sunday collection basket at church.
- Sponsorship envelopes are also available in the church commons or at the school office. Forms can be mailed to the school office or dropped off at the office during school hours.
St. John the Baptist is a 501c3 charitable organization. All gifts are tax deductible. Checks can be made payable to St. John the Baptist School. In the memo of your check, please write “Sponsor a Classroom.”